Dear Motorsports Community,
We are reaching out to you today to discuss a recent trail recovery that took place during our last club snow run. Following the recovery effort, Piston’s Wild has received some public backlash from an individual that was involved, and we would like to take a moment to address the events that occurred that day.
We would like to start off by saying that our motorsports club is very active in the community, working to ensure that motorsports based outdoor recreational activities remain accessible for many generations to come. In the event that Piston’s Wild encounters individuals in need of off-road assistance, our group of volunteers go above and beyond to provide help in any way they can. As a club, we believe that paying acts of kindness like this forward is instrumental in ensuring a positive experience for the entire off-road community helping it remain strong and viable for years to come.
To the specific recovery that took place on Sunday February 2nd, 2025, Piston’s Wild was wrapping up an early day snow run, when club members encountered a group that had at least one vehicle that was stuck, as well as another vehicle that had slid off the road only held up by a single small tree. At this point it was earlier in the afternoon, and while only one vehicle was preventing passage on the trail, it was deemed that as volunteers at heart, Piston’s Wild should offer to step in and assist, and with that the receiving parties gladly accepted. Club members proceeded to help make the roadway more passible, assisted in turning around a vehicle so they could more easily exit the roadway, as well as getting the vehicle that had slid off the road back up onto the trail. As this recovery was getting into the evening and the sun was setting, it was deemed necessary to alter the recovery plan and settle for moving the vehicle to a level, wider part of the roadway to allow other vehicles to pass, as well as removing it from the dangerous situation it was in prior to our arrival. With club members recovery equipment taking its toll, darkness approaching, and a vehicle whose transmission was not functional at this time Piston’s Wild stands by the recovery approach that was taken as it was the safest option considering all of the variables. The rest of the vehicles that were with this recovered vehicle had left the mountain to go and get other supplies, so the driver of the recovered, non-functioning vehicle was alone. He was offered a ride off the mountain, or at least a ride to meet up with his group multiple times but insisted he stay with his vehicle as he was in contact with them via cellphone. As PWMC left the mountain they encountered the other vehicles from the group passed by on their way back to the recovered vehicle. As with any advanced recoveries there are a lot of moving parts, and with that a lot of recovery equipment moving around. If you’re ever involved in a Piston’s Wild provided recovery, please message us privately should some of your gear get mixed in with that of ours, and we ask that you do the same should it be reversed. As we are a public organization, it is very easy to get ahold of us via social media, and we will make every effort to return misplaced property.
Piston’s Wild Motorsports Club is a non-profit organization first and foremost. All funds Piston’s Wild receives goes towards providing user group education, 4×4/UTV trail building, and 4×4/UTV trail maintenance for OHV recreational areas in SW Washington and NW Oregon. We strongly believe in giving back to the communities where we live and recreate whenever possible. Sunday’s recovery included a very appreciative vehicle owner who had insisted that he be provided with contact information, so they would be able to provide a donation towards our organization and the work that we do. With this insistence, the individual was provided with a business card as well as a brief description of how donated funds are used at Piston’s Wild. In regard to trail recoveries, or any other volunteered services, we as a club are not in the business of charging or profiting from lending a helping hand as our first and only goal is to give back.
Kind regards,
Piston’s Wild Motorsports

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